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Version: 2.10.2

AWS Top Traffic Monitor (10267 / 20267)


This Module identifies EC2 instances with the most traffic. It consolidates VPC Flow Logs records over a period of time (Data Collection Interval) which all have the same combination of the following fields:

  • Source IP address
  • Destination IP address
  • Source port number
  • Destination port number
  • Layer 3 protocol

This information is provided per VPC ID. The Module also enriches them with AWS data not reported in VPC Flow Logs natively.

De-duplication: optionally the Module can report consolidated flows only from authoritative VPC. Authoritative VPC is determined as follows. The Module sums up bytes, packets, and connections between two EC2 instances over data collection interval reported by each VPC. A VPC with most connections (flows) for each consolidated flow is considered authoritative, and flows reported for the same two EC2 instances by all other VPCs are discarded.


Parameter NameDescriptionComments
Data Collection Interval, secModule logic execution intervalmin = 5 sec, max = 1800 sec, default = 30 sec
N – number of reported hostsThe number of top hosts reported per NetFlow exportermin = 0, max = 100000, default = 50 (0 indicates all hosts are reported)
Share of total traffic reported, %Reported percent of total traffic per VPCe.g. 98 - indicates that reported consolidated flows consuming 98% of total NetFlow exporter traffic; min = 1%, max = 100%, default = 95%. Not more than N consolidated flows will be reported
Enable(1) or disable (0) reporting by authoritative exporters onlyIf set to 1 (de-duplication enabled), the Module reports flows only from authoritative VPCs (exporters)default = 0
EC2 InstancesEC2 instances with IPs and VPC names and other informationProvided by EDF agent
VPC IPv4 RoutesAWS VPC IPv4 routesProvided by EDF agent
VPC IPv6 RoutesAWS VPC IPv6 routesProvided by EDF agent
AWS IPv4 RangesIPv4 ranges, AWS name, RegionProvided by EDF agent
AWS IPv6 RangesIPv6 ranges, AWS name, RegionProvided by EDF agent


Amazon AWS Flow Logs ingested from CloudWatch or Kinesis stream or S3.

Syslog/JSON Message Fields

KeyField DescriptionComments
nfc_idMessage type identifier“nfc_id=20267”
exp_ipNetFlow exporter Ipv4 address<IPv4 address> (added for compatibility with other flows)
[vpc_id]VPC identifier<string>
[vpc_name]VPC name<string>
interface_idInterface ID<string>
account_idAccount ID<string>
protocolTransport Protocol (TCP = 6, UDP = 17)<number>
src_ipSource EC2 instance IPv4 address<IPv4 address>
[src_ip6]Source EC2 instance Ipv6 address<IPv6 address>
[src_host]Source host name<string>, included when FQDN is on
src_serviceAWS Service<string>, e.g "S3"
[src_ip_pub]Source EC2 instance public IPv4 address<IPv4 address>
[src_inst_id]Source EC2 instance id<string>, e.g i-390d7032 or i-0c0a6ac75d9d87b7e
[src_inst_name]Source EC2 instance name<string>
src_regionAWS Source Availability Zone (Region)<string>
src_portSource EC2 instance port number<number>
dest_ipDestination EC2 instance IPv4 address<IPv4 address>
[dest_ip6]Destination EC2 instance IPv6 address<IPv6 address>
[dest_host]Destination host name<string>, included when FQDN is on
dest_serviceAWS Service<string>, e.g "S3"
[dest_ip_pub]Destination EC2 instance public IPv4 address<IPv4 address>
[dest_inst_id]Destination EC2 instance id<string>
[dest_inst_name]Destination EC2 instance name<string>
dest_regionAWS Source Availability Zone (Region)<string>
dest_portDestination EC2 instance port number<number>
tcp_flagTCP Flags<string>, e.g. “SYN,ACK,FIN”
packets_inPackets in the flow<number>
bytes_inTotal number of Layer 3 bytes in the packets of the flow received<number>
flow_countNumber of consolidated Flows<number>
percent_of_totalPercent of Total (bytes)<decimal>, e.g. 25.444% is 25.444
vpcflow_actionVPC Flow Action<string>, “ACCEPTED” / ”REJECTED”
vpcflow_typeVPC Flow Type<string>
subnet_idSubnet ID<string>
flow_start_timeStart time of the first consolidated flow<time>
flow_end_timeEnd of the last consolidated flow<time>
t_intObservation time interval, msec<number>