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Version: 2.10.2

Top Bandwidth Consumers for Palo Alto Networks (10030 / 20030)


This Module utilizes Palo Alto Networks NetFlow v9 reporting and provides a list of top network bandwidth consumers operating on the internal network. Top bandwidth consumers are reported by Network Device and by Destination Port over a time interval. Only TCP/IP and UDP traffic is accounted for. The number of reported top consumers (N) and the observation interval (T, sec) are configurable. This information is provided per NetFlow exporter.


Parameter NameDescriptionComments
Data Collection Interval, secModule logic execution intervalmin = 10 sec, max = 600 sec, default = 30 sec
N - number of reported bandwidth consumersTop N (number of reported consumers)min = 0, max = 100000, default = 50 (0 indicates all hosts are reported)


Palo Alto Networks NetFlow v9.

Syslog/JSON Message Fields

KeyField DescriptionComments
nfc_idMessage type identifier"nfc_id=20030"
exp_ipNetFlow exporter IPv4 address<IPv4_address>
src_ipSource host IPv4 address<IPv4_address>
src_ip6Source host IPv6 address<IPv6_address>
userUser-ID<string> ("na" if not available)
created_countCreated flows count<number>
denied_countDenied flows count<number>
bytesBytes total (Traffic)<number>
percent_of_totalPercent of Total (Traffic)<decimal>, e.g. 25.444% is 25.444
t_intObservation time interval, msec<number>