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Version: 2.10.2

Path (nfc_id=20183)

This syslog reports network path - a reconstruction of routes in a network taken by the traffic between a pair of communicating peers A and B (VM-to-VM, VM-to-Host, and Host-to-Host). Paths from A to B and from B to A are reported separately.

KeyField DescriptionComments
NetFlow Integrator timestampFormat: Mmm dd hh:mm:ss
NetFlow Integrator server IP addressFormat: IPv4_address
NetFlow Integrator server NetFlow source IDConfigurable.
nfc_idMessage type identifier“nfc_id=20183”
src_ipSource IPv4 address<IPv4_address>
src_typeSource type<string>, valid values: ‘phost’ - physical host, ‘vm_host’, ‘vm’ – virtual machine (includes vm over vxlan), ‘vtep’, ‘pdevice’ - reported by intermediate device
[src_vhost_ip]Source VM Host IPv4 address (if source is VM: src_type = vm)<IPv4_address>, included only for VMs
[src_vhost_name]Source VM Host DNS name<string>, included when FQDN is on and src_type = vm
[src_vtep_ip]Source VTEP IPv4 address<IPv4_address>, included only for VMs (special value ‘’ for non-VXLAN VMs)
[src_vxlan_id]Source VXLAN ID<number>, included only for VMs (special value ‘0’ for non-VXLAN VMs)
[src_name]Network source DNS name<string>, included when FQDN is on
[src_vm_name]Source VM name<string>, included only for VMs
[src_vm_id]Source VM MoRef<string>, included only for VMs
[src_vm_vc_id]Source VM vCenter UUID<string>, included only for VMs
[src_vm_pg_name]Source VM Port Group name<string>, included only for VMs
dest_ipDestination host IPv4 address<IPv4_address>
dest_typeDestination type<string>, valid values: ‘phost’ - physical host, ‘vm_host’, ‘vm’ – virtual machine (includes vm over vxlan), ‘vtep’, ‘pdevice’ - reported by intermediate device
[dest_vhost_ip]Destination VM Host IPv4 address (if destination is VM: dest_type = vm)<IPv4_address>, included only for VMs
[dest_vhost_name]Destination VM Host DNS name<string>, included when FQDN is on and src_type = vm
[dest_vtep_ip]Destination VTEP IPv4 address<IPv4_address>, included only for VMs (special value ‘’ for non-VXLAN VMs)
[dest_vxlan_id]Destination VXLAN ID<number>, included only for VMs (special value ‘0’ for non-VXLAN VMs)
[dest_name]Network destination DNS name<string>, included when FQDN is on
[dest_vm_name]Destination VM name<string>, included only for VMs
[dest_vm_id]Destination VM MoRef<string>, included only for VMs
[dest_vm_vc_id]Destination VM vCenter UUID<string>, included only for VMs
[dest_vm_pg_name]Destination VM Port Group name<string>, included only for VMs
bytesBytes (Delta)<number>
packetsPackets (Delta)<number>
flow_countNumber of consolidated flows<number>
resolvedResolved<string>, T, F
t_intObservation time interval, msec<number>
node_countNumber of nodes<number>
nodesNodes in Path


where structure is:



node_id - a decimal number - a unique network node identifier

node_type - path node type path node type (vds | vtep | vm_host | tor | device)

ip_address - network node IP address (i.e. network device management port IP address)

in_snmp - input interface SNMP index out_snmp - output interface SNMP index