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Version: 2.10.2

Module Configuration

The Module should be uploaded into NFO and enabled. In NetFlow Optimizer Home page click on upload button, and select the package to upload (e.g.

Once uploaded, click on to enable the Module. You don’t have to restart the server – the Module is operational when enabled.

This Module is highly configurable. Click on V2P Network Visibility Module and you will be presented with the following screen.


Configure your vCenter integration by setting up List of cVenter Virtual Machines Data set. All other parameters are optional. Contact NetFlow Logic support before changing any parameters.

Table 4 - Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameDescription
Default sampler rateA default sampling rate for sampled flows for which exact sampling information is missing. min = 1, max = 100000, default = 1
Network path information reporting interval, secThis parameter controls Network path periodic updates. Once discovered path is detected and reported, if it is still active, it will be reported again after this period of time. min = 120 sec, max = 14400 sec, default = 300 sec
Output method: 0 - syslog (push), 1 - REST (pull), 2 - bothThis parameter controls how you want the output from this Package to be available. values 2, default = 0
Inactivity timeout for network paths, secThis parameter controls inactivity period after which path is no longer reported. min = 60 sec, max = 14400 sec, default = 300 sec
N - number of reported tunnelsNumber of reported tunnels. min = 1, max = 100000, default = 50
Network Health Analytics and ReporterThis parameter controls network health score reporting interval in seconds. Network health is reported in syslogs with nfc_id = 20180 and nfc_id = 20181. min = 5, max = 600, default = 23
Network Paths AnalyticsThis parameter controls the internal interval used in detecting paths between pairs of peers. min = 5, max = 600, default = 37
Network Paths ReporterThis parameter controls network path reporting interval in seconds. Network path is reported in syslogs with nfc_id = 20183. min = 5, max = 600, default = 203
VM - VM Hosts AdjacencyThis parameter controls VM - VM Host-ToR Adjacency reporting interval in seconds. This information is reported in syslogs with nfc_id = 20184. min = 5, max = 600, default = 41
ToR Switches DiscoveryThis parameter controls the internal interval in seconds used in discovering ToR switches. min = 5, max = 600, default = 29
VM ConversationsThis parameter controls VM Conversations reporting interval in seconds. This information is reported in syslogs with nfc_id = 20186. min = 15, max = 600, default = 30
Top TunnelsThis parameter controls Top Tunnels reporting interval in seconds. This information is reported in syslogs with nfc_id = 20187. min = 15, max = 600, default = 30
List of vCenter Virtual MachinesThis watch list is populated by External Data Feeder for NFO Agent by connecting to one or several vCenters
List of ToRs management addressesThis watch list helps the Module to determine which devices are Top of the Rack Switches. ToRs detected automatically if list is empty
List of subnets for broadcast filteringThis watch list helps the Module to filter broadcast IP addresses. Broadcast addresses filtered if belong to the subnet from this list

Click on List of vCenter Virtual Machines to setup integration with vCenters, vShield, and NSX as shown below.

Once connected to vCenter, you can enable NetFlow export from VDSs, specifying it at VDS Portgroup level.

You don’t need to restart NetFlow Optimizer or enable/disable the Module in order for the new parameters to take effect.

Table 5 - Configuration Parameters - List of vCenter Virtual Machines

Auto-update by VMWARE vCenter Virtual Machine monitorThis check box enables External Data Feeder for NFO agent which queries vCenter and populates the list of Virtual Machines with their VDS and VTEP.
Next timeNext scheduled update time based on the schedule setting below.
Schedule/ExpressionUnix cron expression
vCenter server nameIP address or name of vCenter server
vCenter user name/passwordvCenter login credentials
Log levelLeave blank or set to DEBUG for troubleshooting
Data Records

This watchlist is a csv list in the following format:
VDS IPv4 address, VM IPv4 address, VM host , VTEP IPv4 address, VM name, VM UUID

Table 6 - Configuration Parameters - List of ToRs management addresses

Data RecordsManagement IP addresses of network devices which are Top of the Rack Switches.