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Version: 2.10.2

NetFlow Optimizer and EDFN Installation

NFO and EDFN Deployment

NFO could be installed in your data center or in Amazon AWS, Microsift Azure, or in GCP cloud.


To install NFO in your AWS environment using AMI visit:

NFO in Azure

To install NFO in your GCP environment, create a virtual machine (VM) instance in your Azure Cloud. Minimum requirements:

  • Machine type: Any with 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 20 GB disk
  • 4 vCPUs
  • 8GB RAM
  • 20 GB disk space


To install NFO in your GCP environment, create a virtual machine (VM) instance in your Google Cloud. Minimum requirements:

  • Machine type: E2 (e2-standard-4 recommended)
  • 4 vCPUs
  • 8GB RAM
  • 20 GB disk space

Please visit NetFlow Optimizer Installation Guide for details.

NFO on Premises

To install NFO in your data center, visit: NetFlow Optimizer Installation Guide.

If NFO is installed in your data center you have a choice:

  1. EDFN is installed with NFO. Use this choice if you want to collect and enrich *flows from your routers, switches, and firewalls in your data center, in addition to collecting VPC Flow logs
  2. Install EDFN in AWS or GCP environment. Use this option if want to collect only VPC Flow logs

EDFN installed with NFO connects to NFO automatically.

If you install EDFN separately from NFO (e.g. on an EC2 instance in one of your AWS accounts or GCP VM instance in your Google Cloud), visit: External Data Feeder for NFO (EDFN) Installation Guide.

Change uri parameter in file located in /opt/nfi-updater/conf to IP address of NetFlow Optimizer. See External Data Feeder for NFO (EDFN) Installation Guide for details.

One EDFN instance could be configured to ingest VPC Flow logs from multiple accounts /VPCs /S3 buckets.