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Version: 2.10.2

NFO Server and Controller Logs


ProblemWhat to look forProposed action
NFO Server stopped by OS (for ex. Out of memory killer)\.\.\/\.\.\/server\/bin\/\/flowintegrator\.sh: line 90: [0-9]+ Killed .*Start NFO Server, Make sure “Keep alive” is enabled
NFO Server process failed\.\.\/\.\.\/server\/bin\/\/flowintegrator\.sh: line 90: [0-9]+ Segmentation fault .*Start NFO Server, Make sure “Keep alive” is enabled. Send logs to support
NFO Server can’t startON CONFIG: local configuration failed: 22Check error messages on GUI (Status page), correct configuration, Send logs to support


ProblemWhat to look forProposed action
NFO Server needs more memory to perform this operationout of memoryAdd RAM to VM or physical memory to host


ProblemWhat to look forProposed action
NFO Controller does not start (socket open not permitted / filesystem failures / wrong configuration)[org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext startInternal] Context [] startup failed due to previous errorsTry to restart Controller, Send logs to support


ProblemWhat to look forProposed action
NFO Controller: Java heap space too smalljava.lang.OutOfMemoryErrorEdit -Xmx param in tomcat/bin/
Java call stack failure (for ex. WL not loaded)java.lang.StackOverflowErrorShouldn’t happened, Send logs to support
NFO Server can’t startON CONFIG: [AbstractExceptionMapper] NetFlow Integrator server not startedCheck error messages on GUI (Status page), correct configuration, Send logs to support
NFO starts with errors, it works incorrectly (for ex. Service loading error)[CRITICAL]Check error messages on GUI (Status page), Send logs to support
NFO Server can potentially work incorrect or not work (for ex. Controller stops Server or about to stop due to license expiration)[ALERT]

Check the license,

If license is current, Send logs to support

All types of errors, also some EDFN errors[ERROR]Check error messages on GUI (Status page)
All types of warnings, also some EDFN warnings[WARNING]Check error messages on GUI (Status page)
Someone (not EDFN) use ‘updater’ credentials over REST API[NfiResource] Unexpected updater User-Agent:Check nf2sl.log and access logs: logs/localhost_access_log.*.txt