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Version: 2.11.1

Copying NFO Configuration

This section provides instructions on copying NFO configuration from machine A to B. It applies to situations when NFO+EDFN is already installed and configured on machine A. NFO stores all configuration, including Module’s parameters, in the installation directory, making the migration of NFO from one server to another a straightforward process by copying the configuration files.

For instructions on copying the configuration of External Data Feeder for NFO (EDFN) installed on a separate machine, visit Copying External Data Feeder for NFO (EDFN) Configuration


Use the following steps to do this on Linux:

On machine A:

  1. Stop Tomcat service
    service tomcat_nfo stop
  2. Stop External Data Feeder for NFO service
    service nfi_updd stop
  3. Go to /opt directory and create a copy of the installation:
tar -czf flowintegrator_copy.tar.gz /opt/flowintegrator /opt/nfi-updater
  1. Start Tomcat service
    service tomcat_nfo start
  2. Start External Data Feeder for NFO service
    service nfi_updd start
  3. Copy flowintegrator_copy.tar.gz to /opt directoy on machine B.

On machine B:

  1. Install the same version of NFO as on A. Don’t configure NFO.
  2. Stop Tomcat service
    service tomcat_nfo stop
  3. Stop External Data Feeder for NFO service
    service nfi_updd stop
  4. Remove all NFO files:
    rm -rf /opt/flowintegrator
    rm -rf /opt/nfi-updater
  5. Go to /opt directory and extract the copy of NFO:
     tar -xzf flowintegrator_copy.tar.gz -C /   
  6. If you clone an NFO instance, remove file nfo_uuid:
    rm -f /opt/flowintegrator/tomcat/data/nfo_uuid
  7. Start Tomcat service
    service tomcat_nfo start
  8. Start External Data Feeder for NFO service
    service nfi_updd start
  9. Check that Tomcat has been started and has same configuration as on machine A.