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Version: 2.11.1

External Data Feeder for NFO Logs

External Data Feeder for NFO logs could be found in $EDFN_HOME/logs (EDFN_HOME default is /opt/nfi-updater) ("Updater" is the old name for EDFN).


account.logLogs from User identity agents
aws.logAWS input agent logs
azure.logAzure input agent logs
daemon.outjsvc service logs
gcp.logGoogle Cloud input agent logs
jul.0.logother java logs
oci.logOracle Cloud input logs
updater.logPrimary log file for EDFN operations


ProblemWhat to look forProposed action
NFO Updater: Java heap space too smalljava.lang.OutOfMemoryErrorEdit -Xmx param in NFI Updater environment: bin/ or overwrite JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx3g" in the bin/ file.
Java call stack failure (for ex. WL not loaded)java.lang.StackOverflowErrorSend logs to support
NFO Updater not startedERROR [UpdaterContext]See message description, check NFO updater configuration file: conf/ or maybe NFI Controller is unavailable, check firewall
NFO Updater not started or started incorrectly due to websocket can’t be opened or NFO Controller rejects UpdaterERROR [ConnectionService]See message description, check updater configuration (conf/, check NFO Controller status logs (GUI) or nf2sl.log, check firewall, check that tomcat certificate is in the ${nfi_upd}/cont/.updater_truststore and updater’s certificate is in the ${nfi_home}tomcat/conf/.truststore
Connection between NFO Controller and NFO Updater is lost due to Controller becomes unavailableWARN [ConnectionService] Controller unavailableCheck NFO Controller status logs or nf2sl.log, restart tomcat and updater if required
NFO Updater Agent works incorrectly (WL not loaded)WARN [AgentTask]Check error messages on GUI (Status page), check Agent input data format
Connection between NFO Controller and NFO Updater is lost and can’t be restoredWARN [UpdaterService] ControllerCheck NFI Controller status, nf2sl.log and firewall
Updater or Agents configuration failed; some agents can work incorrectly.[ERROR]See message details, reconfigure agent
Agent execution failed, proxy connection failed and etc.[WARNING]See message details, check agent configuration, URL availability, check proxy settings, firewall configuration