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Version: 2.10.2


Configuration > App Setup

After App is installed, go to Configuration > App Setup and follow the instructions there.


Most dashboards have Device dropdowns (your NetFlow/sFlow exporter IPs and their SNMP names). These dropdowns are populated automatically by saved searches which are running every 30 minutes. To refresh Device dropdown values, scroll down to the bottom for this page and press button.

Lookup Files

This App contains the following lookup files, populated by savedsearches:

CSV FileDescription
sampling.csvcontains sampling rate for devices reporting sFlow or sampled NetFlow/IPFIX
interfaces_20003.csvcontains SNMP information about network devices and interfaces such as device name, interface name, alias, and speed
snmp-devices.csvSNMP based device group drop-downs will be populated based on this lookup file. It is created/updated by save_snmp_devices saved search
nfo_exp-group_exp.csvnfo_exp-group_exp.csv (contains cached values for the following dropdowns: "NFO hostnames"/"Device group"/"Device (Exporter)")
nfo_vpc_exp.csvcontains cached values for these dropdowns "NFO hostnames"/"Exporter (VPC)" on the AWS dashboards
nfo_gcp_project_vpc_subnet.csvcontains cached values for these dropdowns "NFO hostnames"/"Project ID"/"Exporter (Project ID/VPC/Subnet)" on the Google Cloud dashboards
nfo_nsg_vnet.csvcontains cached values for dropdowns "Exporter (Virtual Network)" on the Azure dashboards

Optionally, you can setup the following lookup files.

1. Device Groups

Create exporters-devices.csv lookup file to group devices into logical groups, e.g. by physical location or department. Device group drop-down will be populated with the list groups from this lookup file.

For example:

nfo_server,,,"Group A","Cisco ASR 1k SFO"
nfo_server,,,"Group A","Cisco Cat 8500 SFO"
nfo_server,,,"Group A","Cisco Cat 8500 LAX"
nfo_server,,,"Group B","Palo Alto PA-7080"
nfo_server,,,"Group B","Palo Alto PA-5280"


nfo_hostname - is the name of NFO host

exp_ip - is IP address of the device’s NetFlow exporter

management_ip - is the management IP address of the device (the same as exp_ip if the device doesn't have actual management IP)

device_group - is the name of the group where the device belongs

caption - device description used in Device drop-down on Interface Errors and Discards dashboard

Create and import this csv files to Splunk by going to Settings->Lookups->Lookup table files and click on New Lookup Table File, after that upload the lookup file, save it with the same file name.

2. Watched Interfaces

Create watched-interfaces.csv lookup file to identify a list of network interfaces you would like to monitor on Watched Interfaces Utilization dashboard.

For example:



nfo_hostname - is the name of NFO host

exp_ip - is the exporter IP address of the device

if_name - is the name of the interface (received from SNMP polling)

Create and import this csv files to Splunk by going to Settings->Lookups->Lookup table files and click on New Lookup Table File, after that upload the lookup file, save it with the same file name.

3. Interface Groups

Create interface-groups.csv lookup file to see traffic by network interface groups. This lookup file is used in Interface Groups dashboard.

For example:

nfo_server,,Fa0/0,"Group A"
nfo_server,,Fa0/1,"Group A"
nfo_server,,Gi0/1,"Group B"


nfo_hostname - is the name of NFO host

exp_ip - is the exporter IP address of the device

if_name - is the name of the interface (received from SNMP polling)

if_group - is the name of the group where the interface belongs

Create and import this csv files to Splunk by going to Settings->Lookups->Lookup table files and click on New Lookup Table File, after that upload the lookup file, save it with the same file name.

4. My Subnets

Several dashboards (e.g. Microsegmentation Analyzer and Planning, Traffic Analyzer and Planning (based on my-subnets.csv lookup)) enable you to analyze traffic based on your subnets. Create my-subnets.csv lookup file to use these dashboards. It allows you to specify and select subnets within subnets up to four levels.

For example:


5. Interface speed override

Several dashboards use network interface speed received via SNMP polling to calculate relative load of interfaces (% of Usage). If you would like to override the speed for certain interfaces, you can do so by creating the interfaces.csv lookup file.

For example:

nfo_server,,0,First interface,1000000
nfo_server,,1,Second interface,2000000


nfo_hostname - is the name of NFO host

management_ip - is the management IP address of the device (the same as exp_ip if the device doesn't have actual management IP)

snmp_index - is the snmp index of the interface on the device

if_name - is the name of the interface

if_speed - is the speed of the interface in Kbits / sec

Create and import this csv files to Splunk by going to Settings->Lookups->Lookup table files and click on New Lookup Table File, after that upload the lookup file, save it with the same file name.

6. Critical interfaces

Create an optional critical_interfaces.csv lookup file for Interface Errors and Discards dashboard, if you want to use the show non critical interfaces toggle.

For example:

localhost","",1,"Important interface"


nfo_hostname - is the name of NFO host

management_ip - is the SNMP polling IP address of the device

snmp_index - is the index of the interface (received from SNMP polling)

comment - internal comment

Create and import this csv files to Splunk by going to Settings->Lookups->Lookup table files and click on New Lookup Table File, after that upload the lookup file, save it with the same file name.

Run Lookup in Federated Searches

This parameter controls where you want the search to be processed, on your local federated search head, or on the remote search heads of the federated providers you invoke in your search.

The App contains a macro where you can select this option.

definition = local=false

By default, the search is processed on the remote search heads of the federated providers. To process your lookup on the federated search head of your local Splunk, change this macro as follows:

definition = local=true

Visualization Parameters

The type of the charts and the stacking mode can be customized on the app level by modifying the visualisation.parameters.csv lookup file in $SPLUNK_ROOT/etc/apps/netflow/lookups/

By default it has these values :


For details on chart formatting parameters, visit:

Configuration > TA-netflow App Setup

This technology add-on should be installed on your Splunk Search Head, Indexers, and Heavy Forwarders. In previous versions NFO events were inserted into index flowintegrator. To use or continue using custom index for your flow data, please perform the following:

In Splunk Go to Settings->Indexes and if the flowintegrator index is not present click on the New Index button, enter


into the Index Name field and click Save.

Alternatively, if you have SSH access to your Splunk servers, please perform the following:

  1. Create the file if it does not already exist:


    and add the following lines to it:

    homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/flowintegrator/db
    coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/flowintegrator/colddb
    thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/flowintegrator/thaweddb
  2. Restart Splunk

Configuration > NFO Configuration

Get more value out of NetFlow by enabling additional NetFlow Optimizer (NFO) Logic Modules. By default NetFlow Optimizer is preconfigured with one Logic Module enabled – “10067: Top Traffic Monitor”. This Module fees data to most bandwidth monitoring dashboards.

By enabling and configuring other NFO Modules, you activate additional NetFlow analytics to be sent to Splunk, which are visualized in corresponding dashboards. You may enable / disable the entire Module Set or each Module, as depicted below.

To learn more about NetFlow Optimizer Modules please review NetFlow Optimizer User Guide.

Configuration > NFO Index Usage

This dashboard enables you to analyze how Splunk index is used by NFO instances, various NFO Modules, and network devices. You can see which NFO Module is most chatty, and make configuration changes to assure you use your Splunk license wisely.

Using ifAlias instead of ifName in Interfaces Dashboards

This App shows SNMP inteerface names instead of input / output SNMP indexes. This is achieved through SNMP polling. By defauls ifName is used in the dashboards. If you'd like to use ifAllias instead of ifName, perform the following.


  1. Copy the following macro from .../default/macros.conf to .../local/macros.conf
args = result, param
definition = lookup exporters_devices_lookup nfo_hostname exp_ip OUTPUT management_ip \
| eval management_ip = if(management_ip=="Unassigned", exp_ip, management_ip) \
| lookup interfaces_lookup nfo_hostname management_ip snmp_index as $param$ OUTPUT if_name as ifname_interfaces \
| lookup interfaces_20003_lookup nfo_hostname exp_ip ifIndex as $param$ OUTPUT ifName as ifname_20003 \
| fillnull value="unknown" ifname_20003 \
| eval ifname_20003=if(ifname_20003=="unknown",$param$,ifname_20003) \
| eval $result$ = if(ifname_interfaces=="unknown",ifname_20003,ifname_interfaces) \
| eval $result$ = mvindex($result$,0)
  1. In line 6 change ifName as ifname_20003 to ifAlias as ifname_20003

  2. Restart Splunk