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Version: 2.11.1


Use this output type to send NFO data to Amazon S3 buckets.

Create an account in your AWS environment with with the following permissions:

s3:PutObject and s3:GetBucketLocation.

For example, inline policy may look like the following:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "NfoS3Permissions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

When NFO writes output to AWS S3, the file is closed when one of the following occurs:

  1. The number of bytes in the file reached the buffer size parameter
  2. The file has the number of records specified in chunk size parameter
  3. On file rotation interval timeout

Access key ID and Secret access key are available here: AWS console > IAM > Users > select User name > Security credentials tab

Access key IDIt is used to sign programmatic requests to AWS. See below
Secret access keyIt is used to sign programmatic requests to AWS. See below
Bucket NameName of S3 bucket to send data to. You need to create this bucket in your AWS environment
NFO FolderName of AWS S3 folder (directory). This folder will be created by NFO
NFO FilenameFilename pattern used when S3 files are created, e.g nfo.log.gz creates S3 files as timestamp-nfo.log.gz
Output Buffer SizeOutput buffer size, bytes. Min - 32,768 max - 268,435,456 default - 4,194,304
Output Chunk SizeS3 output file chunk size, records. Min - 1, max - 10,000,000 default - 100,000
Output rotation intervalS3 output file rotation interval, msec. Min - 1,000 max - 3,600,000 default - 30,000
Newline-delimited JSONIf checked, NFO will send data in JSON format. By default (unchecked), the data is sent in files with a header line