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Version: 2.10.2

Linux RPM Installation

Download the NFO RPM package.


To begin the RPM installation of NFO in the default directory /opt/flowintegrator perform the following:

Open a shell prompt and enter the following command to begin the installation

rpm -ihv <RPM-package>

To begin the RPM installation of NetFlow Optimizer in another directory, perform the following:

Open a shell prompt and enter the following command to begin the installation

rpm -ihv --relocate /opt=<new-path> <RPM-package>

What to do next

A message will display indicating that the NetFlow Optimizer installation has been successfully completed.

  • The NFO Web interface to complete the setup is available at https://<nfo-host>:8443 where NFO‑host is the IP address or host name of the NFO server.
  • Log in to NetFlow Optimizer, apply license, and continue configuration. See Configuring NFO in NetFlow Optimizer Administration Guide for more information.