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Version: 2.11.1

Reported Metrics

V2P Network Visibility Module reports information about health of the network devices and their interfaces, as well as the actual path traversed through network devices by flows between communicating hosts (VMs or real hardware). This information is reported periodically, and the frequency is configurable (see Module Configuration section).

Table 3 – Reported Metrics

Relative Traffic LoadInterface relative load is computed by dividing actual traffic going through the interface by the nominal speed of the interface. The nominal speed is obtained through SNMP polling of the network device (ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed), %
Relative Packet RateRelative rate is computed by dividing current packet rate of the interface by the maximum packet rate sustainable at a current average packet size observed during the data collection interval, %
Health ScoreThe health score is a single value metric calculated for each network interface over a short data observation time interval, e.g. 30 seconds. It takes into account relative traffic load and relative packet rate on the interface. Health score values range from 0 to 100. The health above 65 is normal, indicating no attention is required. Health score between 35 and 65 is the indication of medium to serious problem. The score below 35 indicates that the interface is not functioning properly
Failure RiskFailure risk is a predictive indicator. Its calculation is based on Health Score, Load, and Relative Rate, plus dynamic changes of these metrics. Failure risk values range from 0 to 100. The risk below 35 indicates that the interface has no problem and no problem is expected in the future. 35 to 65 indicate a low to medium chance of a failure. The risk above 65 indicates a serious problem now or failure in the near future.