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Version: 2.11.0

Auto-discovery Reporter (10701 / 20701-20702)


This Module reports auto-discovered devices and device connections.


Reporting Frequency

Parameter NameDescriptionComments
Report devicesFrequency of reporting devices, secDefault = 3600 sec
Report device connectionsFrequency of reporting device connections, secDefault = 3600 sec

Reported Data

Parameter NameDescriptionComments
DevicesList of devices to be sent out as eventsClick on SNMP auto-discovery to configure it; see last updated time stamp; perform other actions
Device connectionsList of device connectionss to be sent out as eventsClick on SNMP auto-discovery to configure it; see last updated time stamp; perform other actions

Syslog/JSON Message Fields


KeyField DescriptionComments
nfc_idMessage type identifier"nfc_id=20701"
mgmt_ipSNMP managfement IP addressIPv4_address or IPv6_address
groupDevice groupstring
sysObjectIDSNMP OID sysObjectIDstring, e.g. ""
sysNameSNMP OID sysNamestring
sysLocationSNMP OID sysLocationstring
capabilitiesDevice capabilitiesstring
statusDevice statusstring
error_msgError message from SNMP pollingstring
idUnique device IDnumber

Devices connections

KeyField DescriptionComments
nfc_idMessage type identifier"nfc_id=20702"
src_ip"from" device IP addressIPv4_address or IPv6_address
ifIndexSNMP index of the interface connecting "from" device to "to" deviceIPv4_address or IPv6_address
dest_ip"to" device IP addressIPv4_address or IPv6_address